Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Rockabilly Worldwide... Part 2

So, after blogging about the new on-line community "Rockabilly Worldwide" the other week, I thought I'd write a little update on how I was finding it after being a member for a while. 

Well I'm sad to say, I've deleted my account!

After signing up a little over a fortnight ago, I've been disappointed with the amount of activity on the site. There was very few discussions relating to anything other than bands, making it near impossible to join in if you only enjoy the music and don't actually play in a band.

And a lot of women seem to use it as a tool to upload their photo's (for likes) Which I have no problem with (I do love a pretty pin-up) but photo's on there own with no information/details/personality, why not just get a tumblr account or similar? It felt a little like some of them were creating an account to say "Look at me" and that's about it!

The amount of companies spamming discussion boards with advertisements got a little to much to handle as well!

It did start to remind me of the Myspace days, collecting a load of random "friends" to look cool, but never actually speaking to any of them.

I am definitely disappointed, I really wanted this site to be successful. Maybe it will once it's been up and running for a while and I'll keep an eye on it, but for now I won't be going back :(


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