Saturday, 22 September 2012

Public Stuttering

Well, I tried my hand at public speaking today.
All I had to do was stand in front of a small audience and speak about my art... How hard could that be?

Even though my work covers issues I've discussed a thousand times before, somehow today I turned into a stuttering, sweaty mess who was, for the first time in an age- lost for words. And things went from bad to worse when a microphone was thrust into my face and started to record me! Not only was I still suffering from all of the above nerve related afflictions, I then started to speak in a seriously odd voice. I found myself not speaking in my normal fairly high pitched and feminine tone, but a deep, monotone voice. Why? Why did this fuzzy little speaker turn me from a naturally excitable, expressive speaker into a dull and masculine sounding bore? That's not going to do me any favours when it comes to trying to sell my work!

I'm really dreading hearing the interview when it airs on my local radio station next week!  

And as if that wasn't bad enough, during my speech my concentration disappeared and all I could think about was how much of an idiot I was for VOLUNTEERING to do this in the first place (Yup, I offered to speak!) and that I wouldn't look out of place on the recent Lynx deodorant ad! (yes, it was that bad)

Why didn't I think and purchase this deodorant before hand?


I suppose looking back now, I wasn't that bad. The girl interviewing me was very kind and did say that she'd gotten enough to edit and use for the show... which I am kind of glad about, after going through all of that trauma and NOT being in the final show I would have been gutted! 

I suppose the moral of my blog today is- 

Don't volunteer for things you know you won't be able to do...

Don't go near people with fuzzy little microphones...

AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY... Wear a good deodorant, and lots of it!!!

Anyway, here's a picture of my current work that I managed to take before my nerves completely took over!

Better Late Than Never!

Well, after a year or so of contemplating whether to set up a blog or not... I've finally done it!

It's not that I haven't got anything to say, I have, and lots of it! I just didn't know where to start.

So after hours of deliberating what my opening post would say, I've decided on... HELLO! 

Yep, that's it- 


My name is Frilly (a nickname obviously) And I'm closer to 30 than I'd like to admit. I'm a tattooed, music loving girl with plenty of quirks that will hopefully make my blog an interesting read. 

I'm also a recently graduated artist, predominantly working in textiles. I make personal, confessional themed work, I hope I can use this space to show off some of my pieces and get a little feedback- positive or negative, it all helps :)
I use diary entries as much of my inspiration, one of the reasons I decided to blog is that I'm running out of secret hiding places to keep my writings! 

Even though I love all things art related, I do have many other passions. There's far to many to get into in my first post,but I am a fan of list making so no doubt a few of them will sneak there way into this blog! 

Anyway, as this is my first post I'll keep it short and sweet.

I'm hoping to update regularly, so keep popping back :)
